In Future Leaders we know that leadership is something you learn by doing.
Practical information
Gathering dates 24/25
Gatherings (9am - 5pm)
1. Gathering: October 12 - 13
2. Gathering: November 9 - 10
3. Gathering: January 11 - 12
4. Gathering: February 8 - 9
5. Gathering: March 8 - 9
6. Gathering: April 5 - 6

Make sure you can commit to joining all gatherings before applying - your presence is important for the whole team. All gatherings will be held in Oslo.
Age group
Of course, this is flexible. We care more about who you are than your age!
Program Fee
01.08. - 22.09.2024
The first round consists of a written questionnaire and the second round of an interview.
13.09. - 27.09.2024
The second round will be through interviews. They will be held in person between the 13th of September and the 27th of September. If you are invited to the second round and can't attend an interview one of these days, contact us at oslo@futureleadersglobal.com.
You will be informed if you are in the program by the 1st of October.
The Oslo Team
  • Hafdís Jóna Þórarinsdóttir

    City Coordinator & Head of HR

    Why I am a part of Future Leaders

    Being involved in Future Leaders as a participant, host, and now a city coordinator has been a transformative experience, continually teaching me about myself. What I cherish most about this organization is its open and honest community. It fosters discussions and topics that might otherwise remain unexplored, allowing everyone to express their true selves. It is a positive space that brings together individuals committed to driving meaningful change in the world.

  • Guro Sjursen Rivrud
    City Coordinator & Head of HR
    Why I am a part of Future Leaders
    One of the many reasons I’m part of Future Leaders is the community it provides. Humans as a collective species need community and companionship to grow and realise our full potential. We need shared spaces that feel open, safe, authentic, and vulnerable. I’ve experienced Future leaders encompassing all of those qualities and more. The program has shown me that treating ourselves and each other with compassion will make us more authentic and spring us into action for a better world.
  • Bendik Kristiansen
    Marketing & Content
    Why I am a part of Future Leaders
    Being part of Future Leaders has made me more open, reflective, and confident. Embracing vulnerability, empathy, and clear, honest communication in this supportive community has deepened my understanding of myself and the world, equipping me to lead effectively. Exploring these concepts has enhanced my self-awareness and leadership abilities, preparing me to contribute positively to society. Continuing to be part of this exceptional community was a decision that made perfect sense.
  • Sina Hennig
    Program Lead
    Why I am a part of Future Leaders
    As a participant, Future Leaders provided me with an arena to grow and develop alongside other intelligent, engaged and wonderful people. It was, in many ways, a boost of motivation in my life to think and interact in that way - with intention. Now, as Program Lead in the Oslo team, it is still much of the reason, but Future Leaders also keeps me on my toes. To be around the community and the program reminds me of what motivates me and what brings me joy.
  • Eline Wigstrand
    Program Lead
    Why I am a part of Future Leaders
    Through my participation in the program, I really felt like my horizons were widened. I understood, in a new way, how change is made from inside the systems. Systems that I haven’t always wanted to be a part of or resonated with. I realize how I can be a part of the solution, instead of “hating from outside the club”. I also really wanted to stay in touch with the personal growth and the community I found through FL, and so continuing my journey was an easy choice.
  • Nina Waage

    Global Program & Community Lead

    Why I am a part of Future Leaders

    As a highly curious soul, I have always been intrigued by humans, and how we co-exist and relate to the floating marble we like to call "our planet". Now, more than ever, we need engaged voices to speak up and take proactive and conscious choices everywhere. How do we motivate people to take action and shift into the uncomfortable? For me, Future Leaders is a big part of this solution. It's a space where everyone is welcome to co-create solutions and it feels like home.

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Join the Future Leaders Community in Oslo
You are not alone. Around the world there is people, organisations, leaders, and companies doing the best to get things done before point of no return; 2030. The Future Leaders community is for those who understand that the only way to solve the challenges ahead of us is through collaboration.