A space for professionals to explore progressive ideas, work on future skills, and co-create tomorrow with others.
Remember that time as a kid where everything was novel and exciting?
We bring this feeling back and connect through play, fun, and joy. Which, scientifically proven, leads to more creativity and higher learning retention.
The connection to our full, authentic self is super important for our emotional and physical well-being. Yet, how often do we take the time to actually connect with ourselves in a meaningful way? Well, here we do.
The Playground
Two-day theme-based workshops
Traditional business and the idea of unlimited growth is coming to an end. Instead, alternative ways of working and living are gaining massive momentum.

From regeneration, technology, societal development, social entrepreneurship, to responsible business: The Playground explores progressive ideas in a mix of inspiration, self-reflection, skill development, and community-based connecting.

We use the latest research, experience-based practicing, and bring in arts, music, and movement for a holistic learning journey.

Do you want to explore forward-leaning knowledge, get to know inspiring people, and be ready to bring your professional skills onto the next level?

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