Self-organize to empower yourself and your community!
A consciously developed self-leadership process - available anywhere, anytime!

If you are in need of meaningful and impactful activities - either in your group of friends, with your family, coworkers or in an organization - we have gathered all the exercises from the Future Leaders program for you in a proposed order. We believe Future Leaders should be available for everyone. So, if you can't participate in the open program for any reason, you can self-organize with someone in your network and make your own program with all the same content.
Why should you engage yourself ?

We are facing an urgent need for concious leaders who are ready to tackle increasingly complex challenges in our local communities and in the global world. We see huge issues with how the established are trying to solve these problems within business, society and climate by only doing business as usual! That is nowhere near enough!

Future Leaders is a respond to these challenges. We believe that by developing young, concious leaders that are able to make good choices and stear the world in a positive direction, we can have a huge impact! And every individual can make a difference. In their lives, in their communities and in the world.

How do you self-organize
Future Leaders in your network?
Find the right people
Find someone with similar values
First, to follow the Future Leaders self-organized process, we recommend you to do it together with someone to get the value of peer-to-peer learning. Ask around, or implement it at your workplace. Find someone who can resonate with the mission of Future Leaders: Mobilizing, developing and empowering the next generation of conscious leaders to work together on glocal challenges and take long term responsibility. We recommend being in groups of maximum six people. If you are more, split into two or more groups.
Expectations and format
Talk about how expectations and format
We recommend that you dicuss openly in your group what to expect from each other. Talk about how often you should meet, whether you can trust each other to share deep thoughts or experiences, and what you want to gain from this process.
Run the process
Go through the program
A normal Future Leaders program is six two-day gatherings spread out over six months. But here you are the designer. You can cherry-pick the exercises you resonate the most with, and for example do a one week intensive course. Or one night per week with your study group. It is totally up to you. You can either access the execises below or get them sent on email or Whatsapp. (For this, contact

Please share your experience with us and others
We are on a serious mission together, with no time to lose. Please share how your experience have been with us to inspire more people to developing themselves into more conscious leaders that will bring the world in a more positive direction.
Join our community on Discord
Please join our open conversations on the Discord app. This is where the global community stay in touch, discuss various themes of interest and get to know each other. Welcome!